N3MIL Simplex Freq
I always keep the second band of my dual band radio on the national simplex frequency
AnyTone 778UV
My first dual band 2m-70cm mobile radio that does analog only at 30 watts
Nano VNA Cal Box
I needed something to keep my calibration loads organzied
Baofeng GT-5R
My second radio. Bought this to better understand repeaters and offsets. (5 watts)
Allstar Node 626011
Home built Allstar Node on a RaspPi 4B with builtin UPS
Yaesu FT-991A
My first HF radio, go big or go home right?
Nano VNA
I cut the antenna long so I could trim it into freq. This was the initial reading
First 10M Dipole
3D printed the SO-239 holder with some 20 gauge antenna wire
DMR Hotspot
This is my first hotspot. It started life as a simplex node on a RaspPi Zero but soon landed on a RaspPi 3B+
AnyTone 878UVII Plus
This was my first official ham radio. It does analog and digital (7 watts)
ShariPi Allstar Node
This was my second Allstar node running a RaspPi5B that I ordered from KitsForHams
Duplex DMR Hotpost
Second DMR Hotspot I built using a RaspPi 3B+ a homemade 3D printed case. It’s a powerful radio and controller in a slick little package
10M Inverted V
This is the final iteration of my 10M Inverted V. 3D printed a new SO-239 holder and she’s peaked at 21ft off the ground
uSDX+ All Mode 8 Band Transceiver
This is my little 5 watt QRP radio. 3D printed the legs and I’m using a Commountain mic